1 min readNov 18, 2019
13 movies for Entrepreneurs
⚪The wolf of wall Street
⚪Catch me if you can
⚪Startup .com
⚪The founder
⚪Office Space
⚪Start up kids
⚪Social Network
⚪Lord of war
⚪Silicon Valley
13 movies for Entrepreneurs
⚪The wolf of wall Street
⚪Catch me if you can
⚪Startup .com
⚪The founder
⚪Office Space
⚪Start up kids
⚪Social Network
⚪Lord of war
⚪Silicon Valley
Founder/CEO @SKYHubNigeria. Cyber Security Coordinator @cysecng. Facebook Trainer @rabbingtonmedia. Technology advocate. #DigitalMarketer. Lover of @nigairforce